G 464 Technical Information - Guideline 03/2023 -PDF file-
Fracture-Mechanical Assessment Concept for Steel Pipelines with a Design Pressure of more than 16 bar for the Transport of Hydrogen
- Herausgeber/Verlag: DVGW
- Format: 21 pages
- Material: only as PDF available
- Ausgabe: 1st edition 2023
- Hinweis: German version G 464
- Verkaufseinheit: 1
- Mindestabnahme: 1
- Artikel-Nr.: 512322
64,20 €*
This Guideline G 464 shall apply for the fracture mechanical assessment of steel gas pipelines that already exist or are projected for construction with a design pressure of more than 16 bar for the transportation or distribution of gases of the 5th gas family (hydrogen) as specified by DVGW Code of Practice G 260.
This present Guideline G 464 addresses the assessment of an assumed defect; for the assessment of measured defects, the guideline can be applied analogously.
1 Scope of Application
2 Normative References
2.1 DVGW Standards and Codes of Practice
2.2 National Standards
2.3 Other Technical Rules
3 Terms, Symbols, Units and Abbreviations
4 Fracture Mechanical Assessment
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Fracture Mechanical Assessment Prior to Commissioning 4.2.1 Postulated Initial Crack as Basis for the Fracture Mechanical Assessment 4.2.2 Prognosis for Operating Pressure Fluctuations 4.2.3 Fracture Mechanical Assessment Procedure
5 Determination of Fracture Mechanical Material Properties
6 Procedure for Recording of Operating Pressure Fluctuations
7 Conversion of the Load Spectrum to Constant Amplitude Loading
8 Verification of Fracture Mechanical Assessment
Annex A (informative) – Sample Calculations A.1 Example Calculation 1 A.1.1 Input Variables A.1.2 Process of Calculation A.1.2.1 Calculation of Stresses A.1.2.2 Calculation of Stress Intensity A.1.2.3 FAD Construction A.1.2.4 Calculation of Crack Growth A.1.3 Visualization of Results A.2 Example Calculation 2 A.2.1 Input Variables A.2.2 Process of Calculation Literature